Blue Flag Manga Ending Explained

Blue Flag is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by KAITO. It follows the story of Taichi Ichinose, a high school student who has always been in love with his friend, the popular and athletic Futaba Kuze. One day, Taichi discovers that Futaba has a crush on his classmate, Toma Mita. The three of them soon become close friends, and their complex relationship is explored throughout the series.

The Blue Flag manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2017 to 2020 and consisted of eight volumes. The series has gained a large following worldwide and has been praised for its realistic portrayal of teenage relationships and the characters’ emotional depth.

Now, let’s dive into the Blue Flag manga ending and analyse what it means for the characters and the overall story.

The Final Chapters

The final chapters of Blue Flag see Taichi, Futaba, and Toma preparing to graduate from high school and move on to the next phase of their lives. Taichi realizes he is in love with Futaba and confesses his feelings to her. However, Futaba tells Taichi that she has already chosen Toma and is happy with her decision.

Taichi is heartbroken but decides to respect Futaba’s feelings and continues to support their relationship. Meanwhile, Toma is dealing with his struggles as he is torn between his feelings for Futaba and his desire to become a professional baseball player.

In the final chapter, the three friends meet up after a long time and reflect on their high school memories. Taichi and Futaba have a heartfelt conversation where they express their gratitude for each other’s friendship and acknowledge the changes they have gone through. Toma reveals that he has been accepted into a baseball training camp and thanks Taichi and Futaba for their support.

The Ending’s Themes and Messages

The Blue Flag manga ending explores several themes and messages relevant to the characters’ growth and the story’s overall message. One of the most prominent themes is accepting change and moving on from the past. Throughout the series, Taichi, Futaba, and Toma struggle with their issues and must learn to adapt to new situations and let go of their old habits and beliefs.

Another important message is the power of friendship and its impact on a person’s life. Taichi, Futaba, and Toma’s friendship is a central aspect of the series. Their support for each other helps them overcome their struggles and grow as individuals.

The ending also highlights the importance of following one’s dreams and pursuing what makes one happy. Toma’s decision to pursue his dream of becoming a professional baseball player is a testament to this message. He chooses to follow his heart despite the challenges he may face.


In conclusion, the Blue Flag manga ending is a bittersweet but satisfying conclusion to the series. It explores themes of change, friendship, and following one is dreams. Its provides a realistic portrayal of teenage relationships and the challenges that come with them.

Taichi, Futaba, and Toma’s complex relationship are resolved in a mature and heartfelt way, with each character coming to terms with their feelings and making true choices.

Overall, the Blue Flag manga is a must-read for anyone interested in realistic and emotional storytelling. The ending is a fitting conclusion to a captivating series.

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